3 Ways in Which Office Window Tinting in Sydney Excels over Blinds and Curtains

3 Ways in Which Office Window Tinting in Sydney Excels over Blinds and Curtains

As window films continue to find support from an increasing number of companies in Sydney, office window tinting in Sydney is a preferred option over the conventional window treatments like blinds, drapes and curtains.

Here are some concrete reasons that absolutely back this trend.

Reduced Human Efforts

Opening and closing blinds a number of times in a day may be annoying. With window tints, on the other hand, you are saved from this labour. Once installed, they take care of keeping sun’s light and heat at bay while not depriving you from the outside views.

In addition, window films are basically maintenance-free. While you need to clean blinds that accumulate dust and wash curtains regularly, window tints demand no such tedious tasks.

Reduced Sun's Interference

Blinds and curtain deceive by promising to keep the sun out. However, they are effective only to prevent the sun’s light from coming in while heat may continue to be a concern.

By dramatically reducing the amount of heat, these films can actually make your office space highly energy-efficient. Needless to say, it leads to money-saving through the lowered down energy bills. In addition, they also block up to 99% of the UV rays (harmful both for humans and office interiors), something which their alternatives fail to register.

Increased Protection

The safety and security glass films have gained acceptance for adding an extra layer of protection to the office spaces. The factors like bad weather, break-in attempts and accidental smashing may make your office vulnerable. Blinds and curtains might not be of much help in these situations.

Safety window films are known to keep even the shattered glass intact. This not only maintains office space’s security, but also reduces the chances of serious injuries.

After nearly 20 years in residential and commercial window tinting, North Shore Window Tinting team can actually make these advantages real for you. We are happy to deliver customized solutions to every office space.


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